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Zak Zimmer's Photo Exhibition

Featured Artist: ZAK ZIMMER Check out Zak Zimmer's fabulous photo exhibition at 6 pm tonight at the Sole Lab 605 1/2 Mission Ave. Oceanside: Zaks Zimmer photos will be on display at Sole Lab for one month: http://www.oceansideartwalk.org/product/zak-zimmer/ Zak Zimmer is 27 year old journalist and photographer. He is an avid traveler and has a passion for art and culture. His photos come from his time spent in Asia, South America, as well as the Caribbean. He spent the last year living on a boat while sailing the East Coast as well as the Virgin Islands. His parents support his creativity and are artistic in their own right. Practicing both sculpting as well as photography, they allow their son the freedom to travel and encourage the development of his talent. Zak finds himself drawn to vivid imagery such as lines, spaces, interesting color patterns and the occasional portrait. The photos in this collection are a representation of various locations I came across while traveling. While they stand out on their own, what stood out to me is that the appreciation of beauty is universal. These buildings could be located anywhere in the world and somehow blend in. It gives you a sense of being connected to other cultures and people. Once we shift our focus from what divides us to what unites us, we may realize we are similar than it first may seem. The truly beautiful thing about color and architecture is that it holds the ability to transcend language. It is a way of communicating that is understood without the need for words.

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