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SliceLab at the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco

At the recent The Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco amongst over 300+ artisans/exhibitors one stood out: SliceLab. SliceLab is inspired by both founders: Arthur Azoulai and Diego Tacciolo who have architectural backgrounds which they draw from existing building concepts and remix them into fashion statements. They incorporate engineering structural principles with that of the formal aesthetics. Their initial concepts are developed through sketches and later formulated by doing modeling. At the Renegade Craft Fair SliceLab was strategically located right at the front door. Best use and utilization of space and design. Arthur and Diego are bleeding-edge technologist. SliceLabLab was created to be a place to conduct virtual experiments, where fashion, sculpture, technology and the organic world all crash together to create something new. Arthur and Diego have always used 'slice' as an adjective, to describe what they find to be innovatively beautiful. To learn more visit their website at http://www.slicelab.net/

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