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‘Flintstone House’ sold for $4.2 million

Want to live like Fred Flintstone? Even if you don’t live in Bedrock, circa the Stone Age, you can get pretty close to living like Fred and Wilma without venturing too far from San Francisco. “The Flintstone House,” located in Hillsborough, Calif., am upscale suburb of San Francisco, is on the market for $4.2 million, according to San Francisco Realtor Judy Meuschke of Alain Pinel Realtors, who is listing the house. That $4.2 million price tag on the house isn’t outrageous for the property, located just off Highway 280 in one of the wealthiest communities in America. The town has the highest income of any U.S. municipality with a population of at least 10,000. The median sales price for homes in Hillsborough from May 15 to Aug. 15 was $3.55 million, according to Trulia. The kitchen was designed by architect Eugene Tsui, who implemented his signature “biologic” design with lighted niches and appliance enclosures, glass countertops encased with diagonal metal spines, swinging wood cutout doors, drawers, and cabinets. The door was created by famed Burning Man artist, Dan Das Mann, and the living room was built with a sunk-in conversation pit with circular seating. The home overlooks the Crystal Springs Reservoir. Want a tour of the house? You’re probably out of luck. The house is being shown by appointment only. But you can check out the pictures below: For the original article please visit: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/flintstones-house-on-sale-for-42-million-2015-09-03

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