The original Coppertone Girl

The original Coppertone Girl
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By Morgan Rees 2973 days ago

I remember how the dog (Mechanically) pulled down her knickers. There was one on LeJeune Drive across from the airport, and another one at the exit from Turnpike going east on 163rd Street. Anyone remember any other locations?

The original Coppertone logo was the profile of an Indian chief. In 1953 Tally Embry Advertising in Florida was hired, and their ad men created the concept of the little girl and the pup. An artist named Joyce Ballantyne Brand re-drew the little girl in 1959 when the original artwork was destroyed in a fire. She was then working for Grant Advertising in New York. She purportedly used her daughter, Cheri, as her model, although her drawing closely resembled the original artwork. A series of mechanical billboards was constructed across the United States, whereon the motorized dog and swimsuit bottoms rocked up and down perpetually. Though most of them are long since gone or have stopped moving, one such billboard of the then Coppertone Girl still stands in Miami Beach — dog, pigtails, swimsuit, and all. [not in citation given] Sometime around 1965, Jodie Foster made her acting debut as the Coppertone girl in a television commercial, when she was three years old.

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  • Terrific story!
    • 529 days ago
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    • Interesting ????
      • 436 days ago
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      • I believe there was a Coppertone Billboard on Sunrise Boulevard somewhere east of US1 in Fort Lauderdale in the '60s.
        • 338 days ago
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